Sunday, September 30, 2007

Vlog 1.10 - why I should stay behind the camera

This is why the director should stay BEHIND the camera. A little cameo for the 3rd cam test that hit the cutting room floor.

From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.10

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art dept. pre production

so we start shooting in 5 days.

people have asked me “ so how has art department been so far?”. i have to think about the answer for a split second, cause normally i’d reply with a... “ yeah, been crazy, 6 weeks of pre production, lots of sets and props to build and organize, but we’re almost there, most of the work is done. all is good”

my reply instead is something like this “ well actually i haven't built a single set or prop, it feels kinda weird”. in terms of art department pre production that sounds like the biggest disaster. but the one thing about film making is that for all its meetings, paper work, check lists, rules, guidelines and how to books, there really is no one way of doing things. sometimes a movie dictates how things are done. you may be use to doing things one way, but that was a another film...From Parts Unknown is a completely different film.

procedures are made up on the go, and changed again 15 minutes before execution, that is low budget film making, and that is where the skill of the cast and crew come in.

pre production on From Parts Unknown has effectively been spread into production, and as we shoot, we create. it’s the nature of the project, and it dictates that it be done in this way.

that said. a lot has been done.
the majority of locations have been locked down. some of the locations we have are absolutely amazing and we’re quite fortunate to have them, some are a little less.... amazing. but with the magic of movie making, each and everyone of them will look ‘amazing’ on screen. lots of planning and discussions on how to make each location work best for us. some small script re writes to accommodate any limitations, but we have found that most of the time a re write to accommodate locations doesn't end up being a compromise but rather some exciting new additions.

the costumes are being made as i type. wonderful and stunning designs, all very original and made with great thought. costumes are a big part of this film. references had been taken from all sorts of places. anime, old and new movies, comic books, fashion, and photography. but ultimately the references served as a guide for the director, costume designer and production designer to be on the same page and then allow the costume designer to work her ideas into the film.

the make up and hair has just as an important role to play, and pre production testing has given us great starting points. closer to the completion of the outfits, all make up and hair will be finalised.

sets, props and design. this has proven to be the greatest challenge, design ideas, colour pallets and environments have constantly changed to accommodate every single location we lock down. each time having to re-evaluate and make the previous locations work with the new. we dont have the luxury to build extensive sets, or moderate sets for that matter, so to have a sketch of an office building with large windows, on the 20th floor, high ceilings, art deco architecture and fixtures, with a lift that runs up the middle, that looks menacing, dictatorial and cold, is one find a location like that, at your budget, and availability is another. so the office location has been found, and compared to the rest of the locations, its the most removed from my initial design ideas. but again, this is where the magic of movies comes in and with some creative thinking, keeping into consideration, budgets, availability and time to setup and strike down, the amount of modifications that are allowed to the existing environments, the needs of the script, the crew available, materials available, we work out a way to turn this office space into the ‘office building with large windows, on the 20th floor, high ceilings, art deco architecture and fixtures, with a lift that runs up the middle, that looks menacing, dictatorial and cold'.
in terms of props, i would have to say that very few are found or bought props that havent been modified or created from scratch. a conscious effort is being made to make each environment and each prop, right down to a small alarm clock, fit the feel of the movie. and if said alarm clock needs to be built, it will. now that may sound like standard stuff of most movies you see on screen, but its a big deal for a film such as FPU with the extreme limitations we have, so buying a small clock off the shelf at some second hand shop and putting it in the background, isn't an option.

we all started off with a simple idea to make a simple movie, i must admit, we have all slightly gone out of control and began to dream bigger dreams...but i believe that is the only way to make something worthwhile.
making films isnt a job for me, otherwise i wouldnt be working on this feature, i’d be attempting to get a 5 month contract on that american series currently in pre production. making films is about art. and yes, even a low budget horror/ sci-fi genre film can be art. its all in the process.



Saturday, September 29, 2007

VLOG 1.9 Jenna getting beat down

Only 6 sleeps to go until day one of 3 months of no sleep. Ran the penultimate cam test on Fri with Jenna and Sarah, kudos to Rebecca and the girls for putting together some moves on the fly. We've come a long way baby...

From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.9

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Vlog 1.8

We've been very lucky with the cast and crew that have gathered around From Parts Unknown. There is an unprecedented level of talent and commitment in the ranks. We're asking an awful lot from everyone as well. 3 - 4 months of pro wrestling training on the cards for many...
Anyhoo check out some of Rebecca (our pro wrestling technical advisor) and Jenna (our lead actress) training yesterday arvo.

From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.8

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Vlog 1.7

PCWe are the major sponsorship partner behind the feature film From Parts Unknown. They run regular shows around Melbourne and are one of the longest running and best wrestling promotions in the country.

Check 'em out HERE

From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.7

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Vlog 1.6

Well here we are just under 2 weeks from Day One. Camera tests to do, some wardrobe to fit and make, lots of rehearsing to do...AND I'm out of coffee. ARGH!

From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.6

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Friday, September 21, 2007


Rehearsing can be a lot of's not about learning lines so much as getting comfortable with certain directions that characters can go. So much is about chemistry and indefinable "qualities"...
As you can see our rehearsals tend to be on the informal side. Dialogue is action, and 90% of communication is non verbal. It's important to try to find "qualities" in a performance and not overwork words, blocking and so forth.
Yeah it's late. I may be making no sense.

Deal people.
From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.5

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We're well into visualising some key moments in the film. This is a second cam test, obviously rough. The point of the excercise being to determine the best way to visually realise a crucial moment in the story. Utilising 50 frames per second for a solid, smooth slo-mo effect we're hoping to accentuate the emotional impact, and draw the audience into the hero's plight as powerfully as possible.

A worthwhile hour of our time, as we now know it's not a good idea to shoot the whole sequebce at 50 fps, we should be more judicious. So there will be further tests and pre-viz on the little sequence as we create one of the emotional climaxes in pre, and then we know how to build up to that point throughout the rest of the film and give it greater impact.
From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.4

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Vlog 1.3

Not very long ago at all we met Rebecca Bolton and somehow or other convinced her to come on-board From Parts Unknown as our pro wrestling technical advisor. Thinking about it there was a lot of trust and risk on both sides of the coin. She didn't know us - we didn't know her.

Anyhoo, its a couple of months down the track and it turns out Rebecca is one of the most talented, professional, self contained and enjoyable people to work with I have ever met. Gold Jerry, GOLD.

Rebecca has not only helped out with our auditions but she's been training some of our actors in the art of professional wrestling. Come hail of shine or severely gouged knee she's there teaching 'em how to fall on their faces and so forth - all for the benefit of the project.

AND she can act, so we've expanded a role just for her.

Anyway, basically just wanted the world to know how lucky we feel and grateful we are to have her on the team. Now check her out in action at PCWe Carnage from last Saturday night!

From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.3

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Pre-Viz Biz

Pre visualising is one of the most important aspects of the film making process. When I talk about pre-viz I don't mean only concept art and costume design or spfx sequences and so forth, I'm using the term to broadly describe a process that helps the team get into a headspace that will ensure we're all on the same page when the shoot comes around. So it's rehearsing and workshops, it's make up tests and wardrobe fits, it's cam tests and physical training, it's story boarding on paper and on video.

It's a process that lets all know what is expected of them, how they are expected to do it and gives an indication of the final effect we are aiming for - which is often something hard to extract into words from one's own brain area.

The desired result is a more efficient shoot and a higher level of creative and technical quality achieved in less time. Which is film making GOLD.

Anyhoo check out the latest Vlog, a cam test for 50 frames with some falling over and bleeding, a test that will help us design the way we need to shoot for effect.

From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.2

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

cooking a steak

Douglas Adams described the Hollywood process of film making as being akin to a boardroom full of people trying to cook a steak by filing past it and breathing on it until it's done.

He is (was, RIP Dougie) one of many writers in the film industry who have difficulty understanding why it takes so long to develope a feature film. We are talking years. Anywhere from 3 - 7 years to get a major, Hollywood Blockbuster up and on its feet.

It does indeed boggle the mind.

Well yes, there's often VERY large sums of money involved. there's often VERY convoluted and demanding negotiations to be undertaken with the various "creatives". One of our producers recently mentioned that location scouting for a major film usually takes place over the course of 18 - 24 months.

And I will concede (from experience) that it does take time to develope a script. All of that procrastinating can't be hurried...

HOWEVER, and I stand to be corrected by those who know better, I still feel, in my heart of hearts (somewhere in the sub-cockle region of the heart in fact), that what stops most films is the starting.

So okay - there's quite a few of us who aren't going to sleep for the next 3 1/2 months, or eat, or earn any money BUT this happens on the big blockbusters too AFTER they have waited years to get rolling.

As the slaves dutifully embroider on those shoes...sometimes it's best to "Just Do It".


hyper real cyberpunk clockwork orange motion picture comic book

From Parts Unknown Vlog 1.1



Monday, September 10, 2007

postponing my holiday to antarctica

so the third draft just lands on my desk, figuratively speaking.

"dante, be sure to read the script right away, you may find a few changes that can impact art department”, daniel tells me at last nights art department meeting.

oh really now, i’ve already locked in all the locations, built all the sets and props and about to book my holiday to Antarctica.

by the way, i’ve been known to exaggerate.


a few words that could be over heard if one was listening in on last nights art department meeting in regards to character hair and make up, in particular relating to the featured female wrestlers.

clockwork orange
nice breasts (i think this had nothing to do with the characters, but some picture we were all looking at as reference)
green veins
wonder women
big hair
doll heads


wednesday: first hair and make up test and further details on character costumes. must remember to bring the photo of the nice breasts along in case we need it as reference again.


only one week late

the 3rd draft that is. only required lack of sleep for three days....may go and find some now.

when is the 4th draft due? 3 1/2 weeks.

plenny o time.

time for me to ctach some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs.



First behind-the-scenes vlog on the making of From Parts Unknown. This is what happens when rehearsals start to make your head melt...

From Parts Vlog 1.0