Thursday, September 13, 2007

cooking a steak

Douglas Adams described the Hollywood process of film making as being akin to a boardroom full of people trying to cook a steak by filing past it and breathing on it until it's done.

He is (was, RIP Dougie) one of many writers in the film industry who have difficulty understanding why it takes so long to develope a feature film. We are talking years. Anywhere from 3 - 7 years to get a major, Hollywood Blockbuster up and on its feet.

It does indeed boggle the mind.

Well yes, there's often VERY large sums of money involved. there's often VERY convoluted and demanding negotiations to be undertaken with the various "creatives". One of our producers recently mentioned that location scouting for a major film usually takes place over the course of 18 - 24 months.

And I will concede (from experience) that it does take time to develope a script. All of that procrastinating can't be hurried...

HOWEVER, and I stand to be corrected by those who know better, I still feel, in my heart of hearts (somewhere in the sub-cockle region of the heart in fact), that what stops most films is the starting.

So okay - there's quite a few of us who aren't going to sleep for the next 3 1/2 months, or eat, or earn any money BUT this happens on the big blockbusters too AFTER they have waited years to get rolling.

As the slaves dutifully embroider on those shoes...sometimes it's best to "Just Do It".


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