Sunday, October 21, 2007

The best laid plans...

I haven't noticed any mice on the production team but even so we've had to be extremely flexible with our plans. The shoot is well underway, and at the risk of damaging momentum we've made the hard decision to post-pone this weekend's shooting until a later time.

No easy choice what with difficulty rescheduling the location (and now stretching certain friendships & family ties quite a long way as a result of doing so), difficulty rescheduling all our cast & crew after they'd all kept this weekend free, problems because of a pre-tape we were to shoot in the location now will need to be shot elsewhere to get it done in time (that's ANOTHER location to find in a rush) some extra expenses incurred and a great deal of frustration. All in all a very messy process but ultimately for the benefit of the project.

Several outstandings were making it hard, and some dang bike ride closing off all the streets around our location made it next to impossible (how do you get 20 odd cars in if all the streets are blocked?), so it had to be done - last minute or no. Luckily (or hopefully) this won't happen again, however it has highlighted just how important constant communication between departments, commitment to the project and flexibility in management is to maintaining an efficient and professional operation of this nature. We're certainly doing it the hard way, and relying on the commitment and loyalty of the dozens of people investing their time and talent in this project.

Onwards and ever moving up - we rehearsed and rescheduled this weekend, and its given us a chance to leap ahead in our prep. Many more obstacles to overcome, but what worthwhile thing was ever created and not beset by difficulty and challenge? We're all of us, every single one on this production, pursuing a dream. It's more than a project, and I have so much faith in the people we have onboard that i can smell the magic in the air.

From Parts Unkown. The epic. Is starting to take on a life of its own. We can't hold the reigns too tight.

Chips all.

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