Monday, October 8, 2007

Day one and two

The shoot is now underway. There was a mad last minute dash to get everything we needed sorted and many of us managed to survive a week with no sleep and only caffiene and cigarettes as sustenance, BUT somehow we got it done. Ant and his old man (with the last minute assistance of the spectacularly incredible Mr Hatfield) built a 16 foot jib! Oriana was sewing in her sleep to build three custom wrestler costumes (including Luche Libre masks), Dante created a fresh grave and pulled all the necessary props required out of thin air with ABSOLUTELY BUGGER ALL MONEY, Joffa turned into a computer and in the most brilliant display of logistical genius I have ever witnessed got a massive convoy of cars and equipment into the city, over to Williamstown, across to Studley Park and back to the Grass Bowls club next door to my joint with breaks for fags and food along the way without any sign of a hitch, and mere hours before we were scheduled to shoot Den casually agreed to come and add his vision from behind the lens!

Three wrestlers made their first foray into the SMP family, and young Davina Cohen (who looks remarkably like Jenna, who plays the older version of Charlie) made her screen debut! The crew rose to the occassion and we hammered out 16 shots of fried gold. We even lens the begining of what will be an epic video clip for a song that our young star Jenna has written about Charlie's journey.

So it's all go from here - both barrels are blazing and without doubt there will be no sleep until we reach Brooklyn! Stay tuned for more random updates and stuff.


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